The next CMPG outing will be on Saturday, February 03.
We will be going to the Rawlings Conservatory located at 3100 Swann Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21217
The Rawlings Conservatory and Botanic Gardens has distinct environments that allow the display of plants from all over the world. The buildings create an appropriate environment for plants from tropical, desert, and Mediterranean environments.
There is a suggested $5.00 entrance fee. Tripods and monopods are permitted as long as there isn’t a crowd, (nothing is scheduled so we should be able to use them).
Their web site is:
We will be meeting at the Park-N-Ride located at routes 100 and 29. We will be leaving from there at 9:15 for an arrival at the gardens for their 10:00 AM opening.
Register for this event to let us know you're coming!