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  • October DSLR User Group: Developing FILM with Caffenol

October DSLR User Group: Developing FILM with Caffenol

  • 18 Oct 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Robinson Nature Center, 6692 Cedar Ln, Columbia, MD


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Join us at the next DSLR Users Group meeting where Tim Phillips will develop FILM!

In 1995, Dr. Scott Williams of the Rochester Institute of Technology asked students in his Technical Photographic Chemistry Class to test methods of developing film using standard household items.  They originally tried various chemical solutions, such as Vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide, certain soaps, and even red wine.  None of them worked well, so they instead decided to try caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee.  They found that when combined with other common household chemical agents such as washing soda, vitamin C, and iodized salt, the coffee developer made printable images for exposed film.  The methods they pioneered later became commonly referred to as Caffenol.

Tim will give a live demonstration of using Caffenol to develop black and white film, providing an overview of everything a novice film shooter needs to develop film in using common household chemicals - including all the “ darkroom” tools one needs to get started.  Time permitting he will walk us through the development process, showing everything from loading the film into a developing tank, making the Caffenol developer recipe, to obtaining fully developed negatives.

This is our LAST DSLR User Group Meeting of the year!  Meetings will resume on the 3rd Thursday of the month, starting January 17, 2019

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