"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."
Join us for our Annual Holiday Party!
Come and socialize with fellow members, and enjoy showing off your work while having some good food and drink.
We are changing things up a bit this year and will have a "Pop-Up Gallery"! Bring up to 3 unframed prints, preferably mounted, to hang. A suggested size is 16x20, but it's entirely up to you. Nations Photo Lab has generously offered us a print credit, so you have no reason not to print! The promo code will be emailed when you register! Please be respectful of their generosity and not share the code outside of CMPG, as we want to maintain our good partnership with them. We'll supply the adhesive Command Strips for hanging. If you need advice with printing or selecting your work, just ask!
Please register so we have an idea of how many will attend, and to receive the promo code for Nations.
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