"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."
Spend the day in our state capital. Annapolis has many sites open to the general public, the quaint streets, the harbor, the state house are all avalible for photography.
We'll meet at the Longate Park and Ride at 9AM. From there we'll head to Annapolis. For those who want to meet us in Annapolis there will be a second meet-up at 10AM at the Alex Halley memorial at the city dock.
This will be a self guided tour. You can go in small groups or by yourself. We'll make final plans at the City Dock at 10AM. It would be great to meet for dinner after so we can compare our experiances and photographs. I'll have mor information on that on the day of the trip.
Plese register so I have an idea of how many will be joining us.
Here are links to some of the tours in Annapolis:
William Pacca Garden
US Naval Acadamy
MD State House
Bay Cruises
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