"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."
With our Big Outing just 6-weeks away, now is the time to think about learning some new skills to have ready, when your feet hit the sidewalks of New York!
Come out to the DSLR User Group Meeting this month for inspiration. Bring your camera, and if needed, a manual, and practice panning, architectural photography, concepts like figure to ground, breaking the horizon, primary vs supporting elements, pre-visualizing, talking to people, picking apart a scene, working through shooters' fatigue, how to shoot stills to merge into a panorama, and merging the shots using just Lightroom, and more!
Is there something particular you'd like to learn? Let us know so we can be prepared to show you - and we bet you aren't the only one that would want to know!
Even if you aren't able to go on the outing, come on out and learn something new or share your knowledge!
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