Join us for our November 6th, General meeting, 7-9pm, at Chapelgate Academy, Marriottsville. Stephen Talabac will be giving us an excellent program that you won't want to miss!
"Photographing Birds-in-Flight: Technical Overview and In-the-Field Considerations"
The mid-Atlantic region offers nature photographers many venues and year-round opportunities to photograph resident and migratory birds: Bald Eagles and Ospreys fishing in the Delmarva watershed; thousands of overwintering Snow Geese that explosively lift-off the marsh at dusk; or a solitary Great Blue heron, or its smaller relative, the Green heron, patiently stalking prey in wetland shallows.
Stephen will present an overview of DSLR burst mode shooting, representative menu configurations, and recommended camera settings. Suggestions will be offered to help you plan a BIF photography outing and apply in-the field techniques to help you successfully track your subject, maintain focus, and capture this challenging yet rewarding form of wildlife action.
About Stephen Talabac
Having retired from a rewarding aerospace engineering career, Stephen devotes some of his free time to his hobby of 40 years: landscape and nature photography. He has served as the Director, Assistant Director, and Education Coordinator of the Central Maryland Photographer's Guild, and formed and led its DSLR Users Group. He’s given classroom and hands-on instruction for Canon DSLR equipment and practical in-the-field techniques for landscape, flower, and birds-in-flight (BIF) photography. He has also given technical presentations on DSLR burst mode buffering, digital data processing, and optics.
Stephen is an invited instructor at Longwood Gardens as part of their Continuing Education Program where he has led workshops (Photographing Fantastic Foliage) on how to compose and photograph foliage that captures their diverse patterns, forms, and textures.
Diana, his wife and photography partner, catalogs and post processes their photographs; she is far better at it than he is (Steve's words)! Diana’s post processing knowledge was entirely self-taught. She initially honed her skills using Photoshop CS3 to restore vintage 35 mm prints and slides. She currently uses Adobe's Photoshop-CC and Lightroom-CC supplemented with creative products available from ON1, Topaz Labs, and HDRsoft.
Stephen and Diana’s work has been published in Outdoor Photographer magazine’s 2015 American Landscape book, and by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources.