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  • Tony Sweet: Shoot Where You Live - Finding Inspiration At Home

Tony Sweet: Shoot Where You Live - Finding Inspiration At Home

  • 13 May 2020
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Live Webinar

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Join us for an Exclusive CMPG Webinar with Tony Sweet!  

"Shoot Where You Live - Finding Inspiration At Home"

Tony will be talking through his images, sectioned as to locations, discussing things to consider and some helpful tips when considering taking a serious photographic look at where you live.

The presentation encompasses a few years worth of work, all shot within a 20 mile radius of Tony's house in Eldersburg, MD.

“It’s not about going to new places, it’s about seeing with new eyes.”

About Tony Sweet

Coming from an artistic background as a professional jazz artist and professional close up magician (sleight of hand artist), Tony has always sought creative, deeply personal endeavors.

Beginning as a traditional nature photographer, Tony and Susan have been operating our Visual Artistry location photography workshops for 17 years.

Tony was named as a Nikon Legend Behind the Lens and has been published worldwide for over 35 years. He has authored 8 books, contributing to many others, co-produced an educational DVD series, and teaches and lectures throughout the US, Canada, Iceland, and Cuba. His photography blends his two previous careers: the rhythms and sound shapes of jazz and the illusion of magic.

Tony is co-owner, along with Susan Milestone, of their Visual Artistry Workshops Series and Creativity Seminars.

Please visit http://tonysweet.com to see some of Tony's beautiful images!

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