"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."

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  • June General Meeting: Robert Fawcett, "Chasing The Stars" - Capturing The Night Sky"

June General Meeting: Robert Fawcett, "Chasing The Stars" - Capturing The Night Sky"

  • 02 Jun 2021
  • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Online Zoom Meeting

Join us for our June General Meeting, on Wednesday, the 2nd, 7-9 PM, via Zoom. Robert Fawcett will be sharing his expertise with Night Photography.

"Chasing The Stars - Capturing The Night Sky" - a visual presentation of capturing the Milky Way month by month highlighting the season from January to October. Emphasis is placed on the importance of planning your shoot to capturing in camera a perceived nightscape for a star filled sky (composition). As part of the planning aspect various apps will be discussed for scouting locations, positioning and time of day/night. Choosing the right camera equipment, lenses for a night of shooting along with various types of low level lighting to employ on your night time experience will also be covered.


Robert W. Fawcett (Bob) - Retired from 31 years of Government service, 26 of those years as a Forensic / Scientific / Technical Photographer. Growing up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania the interest in photography began early with his father taking the family on weekend drives through the country, taking in the scenery down back roads never explored. Little did Robert know back then it would become a career that would take him on a journey to places around the globe. That journey began in Washington, D.C. in October of 1985. As he continues the journey, his plan is to share with others his passion for photography and pass along the experiences from the days of film to the current digital world. From the beginning and up until present Robert have always been a true believer of shooting in a manual mode, using the three things of what photography is: ISO, Aperture and Shutter. When mastered one can be in total control of light and the vision in your mind to capture the creative images you desire.  

Web:  https://www.rfawcett.com

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/robert.w.fawcett 

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/rfawcettfoto 

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/rwfawcett/

MeetUp:  https://www.meetup.com/Fawcett-Photography-Adventures/

A Zoom link will be emailed to all on our mailing list a few days before the event.  Email cmpguild@gmail.com, if you'd like to be sent a Guest Pass link!

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