"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."
Join us for our next General Meeting, Wednesday, May 1st, 7:00pm. We will be having a "Show & Tell". This will be a great way to interact with fellow club members, share your work, show off new gadgets, ask questions about anything on photography, and see what others are doing! We also will have a table set aside for gear you may want to give away/sell.
We'll start the meeting with our April Member Slideshow, then go from there with a friendly open exchange of information. If you want to upload images to share/discuss, an upload link will be mailed out ahead of the event. Hope to see you there!!
We will be LIVE ONLY at the East Columbia Library (YES, EAST COLUMBIA!!)
Please register so we have an idea of the number expected. It is not required.
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