Photo Credit: Mike Washington
The Best CHRISTMAS LIGHTS in Baltimore!
Our Outing Co-Coordinators, Mike Washington and John Schuster, will be leading a meet-up for photography at The Miracle on 34th Street, a holiday light display located in the Hampden neighborhood of Baltimore.
When: Tuesday, December 10, 6:00 pm
Where: Meet up at Chestnut and 34th Street.
Photography: We will walk the block with the amazing decorations – truly an epic display! There will be plenty of opportunities for crowded street photography. A tripod would be an asset in Hampden - the shot above was taken with one. It may be a hassle in crowds, but the results are worth it! Members will be happy to assist newer photographers.
After shooting we plan to retire to a local night spot for refreshments and camaraderie!
Parking: Park your car in the neighborhood (see the website for a map and description) and come on foot to the meeting spot (crowds are likely).
Carpooling: If you would like to carpool, we can help pair people up. Please let us know if you prefer to be a driver and how many you can take or if you prefer to be a passenger, let us know and we'll try and connect you with a ride.
Please sign up so we have an idea of how many will be attending. Families and guests are welcome! If you later find you can't go, please let us know so we aren't waiting for you.
Admission is free
"Please do not feel obligated to give money to any vendors or performers on the street. This is a free display meant for all to enjoy. The residents of this block do this out of love for the city of Baltimore, not to make a buck." -- Neighborhood Organizers