"We advance the art and science of photography through technical and aesthetic educational programs and through public service photography."

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  • April User Group Hands on Fieldtrip Workshop - A workshop to learn and practice intentional camera movement

April User Group Hands on Fieldtrip Workshop - A workshop to learn and practice intentional camera movement

  • 21 Apr 2025
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • NOTE: Centennial Park rt 108 entrance, 10000 MD-108, Ellicott City, MD 21042



Please join us for the April User group fieldtrip on Intentional Camera Movement Photography

NOTE 1: We will be meeting at Centennial Park rt 108 entrance.  We will meet by the boat launch.  If you cannot find us, please call me at 410-598-0491.

NOTE 2: We are meeting at 6:00 instead of our normal 7:00 time to take advantage of more daylight.

This is something different, using camera movement to turn normal photographs into something really unique.   

Overview: Andrew Gray is one of the pioneers in this area, and he describes it as "A distinctive style of photography that goes beyond the ordinary! Inspired by the old English masters' paintings, It combines camera techniques and post-processing to create painterly impressionist images. These stunning visuals showcase both recognizable and abstract scenes, resulting in a style that transcends traditional photography"

What you will learn:  You will learn what camera settings and techniques to use to create unique images!

What to bring:  

  • Camera
  • Really, any lens can work, so I would bring a wider angle lens and perhaps a mid telephoto.

We hope you will join us!

-Mark & Janice  

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